Religion and Rituals – by Tinotenda

Zimbabwe is mainly a Christian Nation but also has huge influences of traditional ancestral worship.  Here are a few interesting facts:

  1. When someone dies – They practise what is known as ‘kurova guva’ whereby people perform a ritual where they bring back the soul of the deceased so that it can rest in the family’s home.
  2. Many people also believe that ancestral spirits operate in a hierachy.  You just don’t speak to God by yourself.  your prayers have to go through your ancestral spirits who are your relatives that died and they in turn pass them to the Almighty.  This belief is also dying out because of western influence and dilution of the indeginous culture by Christianity.
  3. Zimbabweans believe that ancestral spirits watch over them and protect them so they perform rituals where they brew beer and offer a little to the ancestors.  They do this by pouring a little on the ground whilst clapping and reciting.
  4. Fields are burnt before planting to appease the spirits.

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